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"We see the World Inside You!"

A Cut Above the Rest with Uro-oncology and a Robotic Surgery!

Uro-oncology is a medical speciality dealing with the treatment of tumors and other conditions of the urinary tract. It is a rapidly growing field due to the rising incidence of urological malignancies. Robotic surgery has revolutionized the way urologists can manage these diseases. Robotic surgery provides the urologist with enhanced visualization, precision, and dexterity that is not possible with traditional open or laparoscopic surgery. 

About Dr. Ravi Chandran 

Dr Ravi Chandran is a Consultant Uro-oncologist and a Robotic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital, Bannerghatta road, Bengaluru. He has extensive experience in treating urological cancers including prostate, kidney, bladder, testis, penile & adrenal. He is known for his all-time availability and willingness to answer any questions or concerns his patients may have. 

He has also extensively researched the field of uro-oncology and has numerous papers and presentations at national and international conferences. 

He has completed his Fellowship in uro-oncological & Robotic Surgery, M.Ch. in Urology, from AIMS, Kochi. He did his Masters in Surgery (M.S.) from JJM medical college, Davanagere.

  • Maximizing technology for better outcomes
  • Focus on long-term health and prevention
  • Personalized care, tailored to your needs

Dr Ravi Chandran K

MBBS, MS general surgery (Gold medalist), MCH Urology (Gold medalist)

Fellowship in Uro-oncology & Robotic surgery

Consultant Uro-oncologist & Robotic Surgeon

Apollo hospital, Bannerghatta road, Bengaluru

Dr Prratima Groverr

Surgical Experience

Dr Ravi Chandran has performed numerous uro-oncological surgeries including many complex surgeries listed below using Open, Endourological, Laparoscopic & Robotic procedures.

  • Nerve sparing radical prostatectomy (for prostate cancer)
  • Radical Cystectomy and ileal conduit / Neobladder (for urinary bladder cancer)
  • Radical and partial nephrectomy (Kidney Cancer)
  • Zero ischemia partial nephrectomy 
  • Partial and radical penectomy (Penis Cancer)
  • Video Endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy (VEIL)
  • Radical orchidectomy and retroperitoneal lymphnode dissection (for testicular cancer)
  • Surgeries for adrenal tumours
  • Surgeries for retro peritoneal tumours

Dr Prratima Groverr

Affiliations Portfolio

Dr.Ravi Chandran 

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Ravi Chandran is an experienced and qualified Consultant Uro-oncologist and a Robotic Surgeon . 


Dr. Ravi Chandran is committed to providing the best care possible for his patients and goes above and beyond to ensure that all his patients have the best possible experience. He is highly respected by his peers and is always looking to further his knowledge in the healthcare field. He has built a successful practice and is highly committed to providing the best possible care to his patients.

Doctor Consultation

Do you have a health problem related to prostate, kidney, bladder, testis, penile, adrenal, retroperitoneal cancers ? Are you looking for treatment? Schedule your 20-minute consultation with our Doctors.

Our Services

"Experience Life-Changing Results with Our Highly Skilled Surgeon!"

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men, and the earlier it is detected, the better the outcome for successful treatment. Prostate cancer screening is an important part of any man’s health routine, and it is recommended that men above age of 50 have regular screenings.

Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages. In its advanced state it may cause some of the signs and symptoms listed below. 

Difficulty urinating, including a weak or interrupted urine stream

Blood in the urine or semen

Pain or burning during urination

 Pain in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a malignant disease that affects the kidney cells. It is estimated that kidney cancer accounts for approximately 3 percent of all cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer can significantly improve the prognosis and survival rate of patients.

You might not feel any signs or symptoms in the early stages of kidney cancer. These develop in the course of time. 

Blood in your urine.

Lower back pain or pain in the side, Lum in the abdomen.

Anemia (lack of red-blood cells in the body), Fever.

Unexplained weight loss, Loss of appetite.

Bladder Cancer 

Bladder cancer is a common disease that affects thousands of people worldwide every year. It is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the bladder, which is the organ that stores urine. While bladder cancer is treatable and survivable if caught early, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer can significantly reduce the risk of developing more advanced stages of the disease

You might not feel any signs or symptoms in the early stages of kidney cancer. These develop in the course of time. 

One of the most common signs of bladder cancer is the presence of blood in the urine, which is often visible to the naked eye.

Pain or burning sensations while urinating.

An urgent need to urinate more often than usual can be an early sign of bladder cancer.

Difficulty starting to urinate.

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is a form of cancer that affects the male reproductive system. It is most commonly diagnosed in younger men between the ages of 15 and 35, although it can occur at any age. This type of cancer is particularly dangerous as it can spread quickly throughout the body and is often hard to detect in its early stages. You might not feel any signs or symptoms in the early stages of testicular cancer. These develop in the course of time.
Testicular cancer usually affects only one testicle. One may feel one or more than one of the below mentioned symptoms:

A lump or swelling in either testicle.

A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.

A dull ache in the lower abdomen, back or groin.

Discomfort or pain in testis.

Penile Cancer

Penile cancer presents with a growth, usually involving the glans or the prepuce of the penis. Uncircumcised males with poor hygiene are at high risk of developing a lesion, and circumcision is protective against penile cancers. The Human Papilloma Virus, responsible for cervical cancers in females, are also a causative factor for development of penile cancer. One may feel one or more than one of the below mentioned symptoms:

One of the earliest signs of penile cancer is a lump or sore on the penis or foreskin.

Redness, irritation, or itching of the penis.

If you notice any discharge from the penis.

Changes in the skin on the penis, such as dark patches or sores.

Adrenal Tumors

Adrenal masses are often discovered incidentally and are then termed adrenal incidentalomas (AIs). They are often discovered after an imaging procedure is performed that is unrelated to the adrenal gland. Usually, the patient has no signs of hormonal excess or obvious underlying malignancy. The differential diagnosis of AIs includes many primary, metastatic, benign, and malignant entities. 

Signs and symptoms include:

Unexplained weight loss or gain.

Unexplained fatigue.

Abdominal pain.

High blood pressure.

Looking for a Certified Uro-oncologist & Robotic Surgeon ?

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Dr. Ravi Chandran's Achievements 

Academic Work
Honours & Awards


Read what patinets have to say about our our services 

  • Dr. Ravi is an amazing doctor. He is very kind and gentle in his interactions with patients and gave my father who was diagnosed with prostate cancer plenty of time to discuss his diagnosis and treatment plan. He was very thorough in his study of the disease and was extremely approachable and easy to interact with. We are very thankful for his care and highly recommend him!

    Mr. Amar Shetty

    Mr. Amar Shetty
  • I was suffering from Kidney cancer and I was at a loss as to what to do. Dr Ravi provided me with the best possible care and treatment. He is a very good doctor and kind at heart. He gave me ample time to understand my condition and to express my views. His clinical diagnosis was very sharp and accurate. I am very thankful to him for his help and support. He is truly an exceptional doctor.


  • I cannot thank Dr. Ravi enough for the care and compassion he showed my son when he was suffering from Adrenal Cancer. Dr. Ravi was very caring and gentle, taking the time to listen to our concerns and provide us with the best care possible. He was always available to answer our questions and provided us with the most up-to-date information to help us make the best decisions for our son. His dedication to his patients is admirable, and I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of care.

    Prakash Kumar

    Prakash Kumar

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